Teeth Grinding (Bruxium)
Bruxism is the grinding of the teeth, a clenching of the teeth, associated with forceful jaw movements, resulting in rubbing, gritting, or grinding together of the teeth, usually during sleep.
Are you looking for help to stop grinding your teeth?

Tired of the destruction and pain that teeth grinding causes?
Had it with cleaning, replacing and struggling with the bite block?
You must READ FURTHER to find the answer to a safe and effective way to end the pain.
Get to the bottom of why and what is causing your problem. Is it stress? Stress in one form or another is very much a part of teeth grinding. Some people hold their stress in their shoulders and back. Teeth grinders hold their stress in their jaw.
Allowing the subconscious mind to communicate with the conscious mind can end the struggle. Hypnosis is a safe and proven method to end bad habits and teeth grinding is a habit that you can break. This habit can cause permanent damage to your teeth not to mention the constant discomfort and problems it causes with a good nights sleep. Teeth grinding can also cause TMJ syndrome (TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint).
***Results may vary based on the individual. It is impossible to guarantee results, but the testimonials and information discussed above detail events and outcomes with actual clients.***